cdmbarlieb is a licensed architecture design practice founded by Christophe Barlieb, Cybercrafting the Anthropocene. The studio investigates phenomena meshing human-machine-material agencies shaping new modes of living.

Christophe Barlieb is a cybercraft architect specializing in architecture design, fabrication, media theories, and practices. Co-founder of Meyk i.Gr., a new decentralized cyber manufacturing platform. Author of ‘Cybercraft: Das neue Paradigma,’ co-editor of ‘Media Agency – Neue Ansätze zur Medialität in der Architektur.’ Best known for the Green Desert Mine, Whispering Wind, and Vardø Arks projects.

Full Professor, Chair of Design and Construction in VR/AR, and head of the CyberCraft Lab at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg, Faculty of Architecture and Regensburg School of Digital Sciences (RSDS). Co-founder and co-director of the CyberCraft Kolleg (CCK) at OTH Regensburg. Before tenure, Professor of Architecture Media at the Technical University of Berlin, Associate Professor at the Technical University Braunschweig and Technical University Berlin, and Visiting Professor at Shenkar College, Tel Aviv.

Awards include the Bavarian State Award for the Robotik Toolbox and the Académie des Beaux-Arts of France’s Grand Prix d’Architecture – Prix André Arfvidson. Exhibitor at Venice Biennial of Architecture, the Grand Palais, the Deutsches Architekturmuseum, and Israel Festival Jerusalem.

Collaborator to Raimund Abraham on the Austrian Cultural Forum and the Musikerhaus.

Alma mater, Pratt Institute.

Founder (2022) and CEO (2022-present) of CyberCraft Institute e. V., a German non-profit association promoting research and knowledge of Cybercrafts.

Founder (2016) and former board member (2016-2022) of Fieldstations e. V., a German non-profit association promoting research and knowledge of the Anthropocene.

Founder (2015) and former board member (2015-2016) of Roundabout e. V., a German non-profit student association promoting architectural discourse.

sense, adapt, create!

Curriculum Vitae 01.2024

Prof. Christophe DM BARLIEB
professor / architect / cybercrafter
Architect, B.Arch. Hons.
2014-present Architektenkammer Berlin, Registered Architect: No. 14654 Berlin (Germany)
2003-present Stichten Bureau Architectenregister, Registered Architect: No. 1.040415.001 Rotterdam (Netherlands)
2014-16 APROGED Associação dos Professores de Desenho e Geometria Descritiva, Oporto (Portugal)
2020-present Meyk i. Gr. | Co-founder, Berlin (Germany)
2014-present CDMBARLIEB | Founder & Principal, Berlin (Germany)
2017-20 Werk5 | Project Manager of Applied Robotics in Architecture, Berlin (Germany)
1993, 97-03 Atelier Raimund Abraham | Project Manager & Architect, New York City (USA)
1996-14 cdmb architects | Founder & Principal, Brooklyn (USA) & Berlin (Germany)
2022-present co-founder and co-director of the CyberCraft Kolleg, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Regensburg (Germany)
2021-present Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Professor, CyberCraft Lab, Chair of Design and Construction in VR/AR, Faculty of Architecture and Regensburg School of Digital Sciences, Regensburg (Germany)
2013-16 Technische Universität Berlin, Guest Professor, Chair of Architecture Media, Fakultät VI, IfA, Berlin (Germany)
2011-13 Technische Universität Braunschweig, Assistant Professor, Fakultät III, Institute of Media & Design, Braunschweig (Germany)
2009-11 Technische Universität Berlin, Assistant Professor, Fakultät VI, IfA, Chair of Design and Construction, Berlin (Germany)
2009-10 Shenkar College of Design and Engineering, Visiting Professor of Digital Design, Tel Aviv (Israel)
2008 Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Guest Lecturer, Parametric Formations: Behaving Structure, Copenhagen (Denmark)
2001 Bauhaus University, Guest Lecturer, Mies meets Half-Life: Interactive Spaces, Weimar (Germany)

Visiting Architecture Critic:
Pratt Institute, Cooper Union, Technische Universität Berlin, Bauhaus University Weimar, Technion University, Tel Aviv University, Shenkar College of Design and Engineering, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Architecture, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Kassel University, AEDES Campus Berlin, Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Sint Lucas Architectuur, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz HyperWerk.

2022-present CyberCraft Institute e. V., CEO, Board Member, Founder, Non-profit association promoting scientific research of Cybercrafts, Regensburg (Germany)
2020-2023 Fieldstations e. V., Treasurer, Board Member, 2016-20 President, Founder, Non-profit association promoting scientific research of the Anthropocene, Berlin (Germany)
2015-present Roundabout e. V., member, 2015-16 Treasurer, Board Member, Founder, Non-profit student association promoting architecture discourse, Berlin (Germany)
1996 B.Arch with Honors, Pratt Institute, School of Architecture, Brooklyn, N.Y. (USA)
2022 CyberCraft Kolleg, four year grant issued by bidt – Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation – Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Munich (Germany)
2019 Bayerische Staatspreis with Werk5 & TU Berlin for the Robotik Toolbox, Munich (Germany)
2018 Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Applied Research Grant with Werk5 GmbH & TU Berlin, Berlin (Germany)
2015 PROMOS, DAAD Travel Grant with TU Berlin, Berlin (Germany)
2015 1st Prize, STO Stiftung Summer School Competition with TU Berlin, Stuttgart (Germany)
2012 DEUBAU 2012 Prize Nomination, Essen (Germany)
2010 1st Prize Bat-Yam Biennale of Landscape Urbanism, 72 Hour Urban Action 2010 Bat-Yam (Israel)
2010 Bentley Generative Components Sponsorship, Paris (France)
2010 DAAD Teaching Grant with TU Berlin Tel Aviv (Israel)
2009 Bentley SmartGeometry Scholarship, San Francisco (USA)
2008 Bentley SmartGeometry Scholarship, Munich (Germany)
2007 Prix André Arfvidson, Grand Prix d’Architecture 2007, Académie des Beaux-Arts, Institut de France, Paris (France)
1996 Pratt Excellence in Design Award, Brooklyn (USA)
1996 Pratt Circle Award, Brooklyn (USA)
1995 New York City Construction Specification Institute Award, New York City (USA)
1991 National Talent Search Scholarship Award, Full tuition award, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn (USA)
2023 C. Dieckhoff, Chr. Barlieb, C. Groth, T. Linner, F. Weininger, Erfolgsfaktor Interdisziplinarität: Das Lehrformat Digitalisierungskollegs an Bayerischen Hochschulen. INFORMATIK 2023 – Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Berlin (Germany)
2014 Chr. Barlieb, Architectonics: 1st year descriptive geometry foundation course at the TU Berlin, Geomertrias’14, Lisbon (Portugal)
2009 Chr. Barlieb, C. Richter, B. Greschner, M. Tamke, Whispering Wind | Digital Practice & the Sustainable Agenda, eCAADe, Istanbul (Turkey)
2009 Chr. Barlieb, K. Josefsson, S. Pfeiffer, I. Putz, D. Stefanescu, M. Tamke, Rule Based Design Workshop, Design Modelling Symposium, Berlin (Germany)
2005 C. Meyer, B. Ullrich, Chr. Barlieb, Wallflowers? Cute little projects – questions and solutions in Munigua (Spain), 6th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, Rome (Italy)
2005 B. Ullrich, Chr. Barlieb, C. Meyer, ZODIAC – Virtuelle Rekonstruktion von Baustrukturen aus Geophysikalischen Daten. Beispiele aus Pompeji und Munigua, Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium “Von Handaufmaß bis High Tech II”, BTU Cottbus (Germany)
2004 C. Meyer, B. Ullrich, Chr. Barlieb, Advances in combined geophysical prospection and visualization, 34th International Symposium of Archaeometry, Zaragoza (Spain)
2024 CyberCraft Kolleg featured in „Lern Digi Digga“, pp. 26-30, Ute Watzl, whyte blue #03, Münchener Zeitungs-Verlag
2022 Christophe Barlieb: „Wir sind schon Cyborgs.“ Gerhard Pirkner, Dolomitenstadt Lienz
2020 Media Agency, Neue Ansätze zur Medialität in der Architektur, Christophe Barlieb, Lidia Gasperoni (Hg.), ArchitekturDenken – Transcript Verlag
2017 OnGoing, Students build for community, pp. 74-79. Sto Stiftung
2016 Meeting Point Under the Bridge, Ed. Barlieb / Seitz, Roundabout e.V.
2015 20 HOURS : The Plattenbau has a Glamorous Future!, FG BARLIEB / HOWOGE
2015 Cementing a space for coexistence at the Israel Festival, Steinberg J., The Times of Israel, 05.28.2015
2014 City and Wind: Climate as an Architectural Instrument pp.123-124, DOM publishers, ISBN: 978-3-86922-310-0
2011 Raimund Abraham [UN]BUILT 2nd Edition, Ed. Brigitte Groihofer, Springer Wien New York pp. 196-197, 313, 315, 323, 326, 327, ISBN: 978-3-7091-0468-2
2011 Futuristic | Visions of Future Living, pp.136-141. DAAB Media GmbH, ISBN: 978-3-942597-09-8 2011 Utopia Forever | Visions of Architecture and Urbanism, pp.50, 70-71. Die Gestalten Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-89955-335-2
2010 Univers des Arts | Le Salon 2010,p. 176. Société des Artistes Français (2010) ISSN: Hors-série
2010 להקים פרויקט אדריכלי בבת ים ב-72 שעות, Haaretz 2010 Going Up | Guerrilla Architecture in Israel, New York Times Magazine
2010 Case da Abitare “Architetti Verdi”, Corriere della Sera 2010 Klimakapseln, p.186, Suhrkamp 2615, ISBN: 978-3-518-12615-8
2009 100 IDEAS, pp. 48-49, 108-111, 200-202. H.K. Rihan Int’l Culture Spread Ltd., ISBN: 978-988-17805-9-1
2009 Architecture of Change 2, pp. 228-231. Die Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 978-3-89955-263-8
2009 Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design, Proceeding of the 27th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. pp. 543-550. Istanbul Technical University & Yildiz Technical University, ISBN: 978-0-9541183-8-9
2009 Design Modelling Symposium Berlin | Concepts Beyond Geometry, Proceedings of the DMS Berlin. pp. 74-85. Publisher: University of the Arts Berlin, ISBN: 978-3-89462-177-3
2008 Updating Germany | 100 Projects for a Better Future, pp. 102-104. Hatje Cantz Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-7757-2263-6
2008 Besser Zukunft? Auf der Suche nach den Räumen von Morgen, p. 16. Merve Verlag Berlin, ISBN: 978-3-88396-255-9
2008 LaVie : Creative City | Berlin Contemporary, pp. 52-55. Cite Publishers, ISBN: 978-986-6960-74-1
2008 Univers des Arts | Le Salon 2008, p. 28. Société des Artistes Français, ISSN: Hors-série
2008 Greenbuilding 01|2008 : Nachhaltig Planen, Bauen und Betreiben, p. 25. Fachverlag Schiele & Schön
2008 LaVie No.48 Apr 2008 | Next Design City, pp. 168-170. Cite Publishers, ISSN: 7702-0468
2008 PAYSAGE No.1 | Supplemento Architettura del paesaggio, p. 70. Gruppo Pinelli, ISSN: 1125-0259
2008 Vagabundierende Konzepte, p. 34, Frankfurter Rundschau FEUILLETON, Samstag/Sonntag, 13./14. September 2008
2002 Raimund Abraham, edifice / immagini 1990-2000, Raimund Abraham and Christophe Barlieb, galleria Aam architettura arte moderna
2015 Meeting Point 2015, Israel Festival, Jerusalem (Israel)
2011 ZUR NACHAHMUNG EMPFOHLEN! Expeditionen in Ästhetik & Nachhaltigkeit: The Imaginarium, Bauhaus, Dessau (Germany)
2010 Art en Capital 2010, Grand Palais, Paris (France)
2010 Bat-Yam Biennale of Landscape Urbanism 2010 Bat-Yam (Israel)
2010 ZUR NACHAHMUNG EMPFOHLEN! Expeditionen in Ästhetik & Nachhaltigkeit: The Imaginarium, Uferhallen, Berlin (Germany)
2009 Art en Capital 2009, Grand Palais, Paris (France)
2009 Updating Germany, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg (Germany)
2009 Updating Germany, Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt (Germany)
2008 Art en Capital 2008, Grand Palais, Paris (France)
2008 Updating Germany, Venice Biennale of Architecture, 11th International Architecture Exhibition Out There: Architecture Beyond Building. German Pavilion, Venice (Italy)
2007 Grand Prix d’Architecture, Académie des Beaux-Arts, Institut de France, Paris (France)
2001-2002 Raimund Abraham, Edifice / Immagini 1990-2000, Raimund Abraham & Christophe Barlieb, Galleria Aam Architettura Arte Moderna, Milano (Italy)
2023 KI und Architektur: Künstliche Intelligenz als Baumeister der Zukunft?, Degginger, Regensburg (Germany)
2023 Let’s Talk About AI Baby…, Halle A Lecture, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule, Regensburg (Germany)
2023 Die Cybercraft-Revolution. Ein gesellschaftliches relevantes Projekt., Handwerkskammer Niederbayern Oberpfalz, Regensburg (Germany)
2023 CyberCraft Kolleg, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule, Regensburg (Germany)
2022 Cyber, Organism, Cyborg, RSDS, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule, Regensburg (Germany)
2022 cybercraft, Chair of Objektdesign – Prof. Dr. Christoph Schindler, Hochschule Luzern – Design & Kunst, Objektdesign, Lucerne (Switzerland)
2022 cybercraft, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule, Regensburg (Germany)
2021 cybercraft, 28. Sitzung der AG Online Lehre, Universität der Künste, Berlin (Germany)
2021 „I’m Not a Cat!“ – Reflexionen zum Entwerfen und Konstruieren in „Mixed Realities”, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule, Regensburg (Germany)
2021 Gestaltung im Dialog zwischen Mensch und Maschine, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule, Regensburg (Germany)
2020 Lehrkonzept für die Gestaltungs- und Darstellungslehre, analog und digital, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule, Regensburg (Germany)
2020 Cybercraft: Das neue Paradigma, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule, Regensburg (Germany)
2020 Unsere Zeit Gestalten! Eine lebendige geistige und künstlerische Haltung zur Gestaltungslehre in unserer Zeit, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule, Regensburg (Germany)
2019 Lernen mit Robotern, Cobot Love, SIBB, Berlin (Germany)
2019 Lernen mit Robotern, Künstliche Intelligenz für die Industrie, Forum Digitale Technologien, Berlin (Germany)
2019 Ein Projekt der Sehnsucht – Die imaginäre Architektur Abrahams, Berlinische Galerie, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Berlin (Germany)
2019 Robotik Toolbox, IHM 2019, Munich (Germany)
2017 Media Agency, Kunst Universität Linz, Linz (Austria)
2014 Architectonics: 1st year descriptive geometry foundation course at the TU Berlin,/em>, Geomertrias’14, Lisbon (Portugal)
2012 On the Horizon, Wo leben wir morgen?, Architekturvisionen der Zukunft, Katholische Akademie Schwerte (Germany)
2011 Whispering Wind, Simulation von Lärmminderungsmaßnahmen, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- u. Raumfahrt, Berlin (Germany)
2011 FUTUR II FRAGEN AN MORGEN, Universität der Künste Berlin (Germany)
2011 Beyond the Horizon, Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
2011 Out of the Lab: Gateways >> Translating Spaces, Kassel University, Kassel (Germany)
2010 FABRICATION: New Technologies in Digital Architecture, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv (Israel)
2009 Rule Based Design Workshop, Design Modelling Symposium, Universität der Künste Berlin (Germany)
2009 Whispering Wind | Digital Practice & the Sustainable Agenda, eCAADe 27 Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul (Turkey)
2009 Rule Based Design with Grasshopper, Bauhaus University Weimar, Weimar (Germany)
2009 Architecture with Architects, Tel Aviv-Yafo: Old-New Metropolis 100 Years Symposium, Tel Aviv (Israel)
2009 Rule Based Design Symposium TU Berlin, TU Berlin, Berlin (Germany)
2009 Architecture with Architects, 4th International Young Architects Meeting, Turkish Chamber of Architects, Antalya (Turkey)
2009 Architecture with Architects, SmartGeometry Conference 2009, Vision for Innovation, San Francisco (U.S.A.)
2009 Architecture with Architects, Die Angewandte, Energy Design PUE, Vienna (Austria)
2009 Baukultur_vor_Ort – Baukultur im Klimawandel, Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany)
2009 Green Desert Mine and Whispering Wind -The Digital Practice, Systaic AG Energydesign-Center, Berlin (Germany)
2008 Green Desert Mine and Whispering Wind -The Digital Practice, Energy & Urban Design Symposium, Universität Karlsruhe, (Germany)
2008 Architecture with Architects, Practice Report: Digital Design Strategies and the Sustainable Agenda, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen (Denmark)
2008 GenerativeComponents – Seminar for Academics, BRT Hamburg (Germany)
2008 Discrete Differential Geometry Seminar, Prof. Bobenko, TU Berlin, Berlin (Germany)